11 Use of s106 contributions to improve Widewater Bridge, Lancing PDF 373 KB
To consider a report from the Director for the Economy, a copy is attached as item 11.
Before the Committee was a report by the Director for the Economy, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 11.
The report sought authority to release s106 funds to deliver an improvement scheme for the Widewater bridge in Lancing.
The majority of funds were held by the County Council but the scheme required £103,773 held by Adur District to fully fund the scheme. Whilst, these funds were specifically held for transport improvement schemes as the total exceeds £100,000 Committee approval to release the funds was required.
The report set out some of the approval processes already undertaken by the County Council and described some of the key improvements to be undertaken to improve accessibility to the seafront cyclepath.
The recommendations in the report were proposed by Councillor David Simmons, seconded by Councillor Neil Parkin and unanimously agreed by the Committee.
The Joint Strategic Committee agreed to release £103,773 towards the proposed improvement scheme to Widewater Bridge and agreed that the scheme be added to the capital programme.
Call In:
The call-in deadline for this decision will be 5.00pm on 19 June 2020.