Issue - meetings

Western Harbour Arm Flood Defence Scheme

Meeting: 07/07/2020 - Joint Strategic Committee (Item 38)

38 Western Harbour Arm Flood Defence Scheme

To consider an exempt report from the Director for the Economy as item 20.


Before the Committee was an exempt report by the Director for the Economy, copies of which had been circulated to all Members and a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of these minutes as Item 20.


The report updated Members on progress with funding, procurement and contract arrangements for the Western Harbour Arm Flood Defence scheme.


The recommendations in the report were proposed by Councillor Angus Dunn, seconded by Councillor Brian Boggis and unanimously approved.




That the Joint Strategic Committee


1.         recommended that Adur District Council:


(a)            Approve an overall increase to the budget for the Flood Defence scheme at Western Harbour Arm of £1,140,000. The full cost of the project will be £6.1m;


(b)        Resource the associated funding shortfall of £1,140,000 as follows:

£427,000 grant from the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Partnership;

Additional borrowing of £713,000.


2.         delegated authority to the Head of Major Projects & Investment to:


(i)              Award, execute and enter into the necessary consultancy and construction contract agreements after carrying out a compliant procurement process, to enable delivery of the Flood Defence scheme subject to the cost being within the total approved budget.


(ii)            Enter into any statutorily required agreements with West Sussex County Council Highway to enable the construction and formalisation of a S278/38 agreement to enable the adoption of the proposed cycle path by the Highways authority on completion of the construction infrastructure by Adur District Council.


(iii)       Make formal applications to divert the Public Right of Way at Stowes Hard and Stopping Up Order at the existing adopted highway entrance to Sussex Yacht Club to build the flood wall and to accommodate the new entrance point to Sussex Yacht Club.


(iii)           Enter into an agreement with Sussex Yacht Club for the management and operation of the flood defence gates on terms to be agreed by the Head of Major Projects & Investment in consultation with the Council’s Safety and Resilience Manager.


3.       Requested a progress update on the project to be considered within the next 12 months.


Call In:


The call-in deadline for decisions 2(i) to (iv) and 3 will be 5.00pm on 17 July 2020.


There is no call-in for recommendations 1(a) and 1(b) to meetings of Adur District Council.